
ヒラリー・クリントンが米国国務省で Firefox を求められる

原文:Hillary Clinton is asked for Firefox in the US Department of State by Percy Cabello -- July 14, 2009 - 9:40 am

最近の米国国務省におけるタウンホールミーティングの最中に、国務長官ヒラリー・クリントンはスタッフに Firefox を使用させてほしいという要望を受けました。

以下のビデオの 26:30 から観ることができます。

MS. GREENBERG: Okay. Our next question comes from Jim Finkle:

Can you please let the staff use an alternative web browser called Firefox? I just – (applause) – I just moved to the State Department from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and was surprised that State doesn’t use this browser. It was approved for the entire intelligence community, so I don’t understand why State can’t use it. It’s a much safer program. Thank you. (Applause.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, apparently, there’s a lot of support for this suggestion. (Laughter.) I don’t know the answer. Pat, do you know the answer? (Laughter.)

UNDER SECRETARY KENNEDY: The answer is at the moment, it’s an expense question. We can --

QUESTION: It’s free. (Laughter.)

UNDER SECRETARY KENNEDY: Nothing is free. (Laughter.) It’s a question of the resources to manage multiple systems. It is something we’re looking at. And thanks to the Secretary, there is a significant increase in the 2010 budget request that’s pending for what is called the Capital Investment Fund, by which we fund our information technology operations. With the Secretary’s continuing pushing, we’re hoping to get that increase in the Capital Investment Fund. And with those additional resources, we will be able to add multiple programs to it.

Yes, you’re correct; it’s free, but it has to be administered, the patches have to be loaded. It may seem small, but when you’re running a worldwide operation and trying to push, as the Secretary rightly said, out FOBs and other devices, you’re caught in the terrible bind of triage of trying to get the most out that you can, but knowing you can’t do everything at once.

SECRETARY CLINTON: So we will try to move toward that. When the White House was putting together the stimulus package, we were able to get money that would be spent in the United States, which was the priority, for IT and upgrading our system and expanding its reach. And this is a very high priority for me, and we will continue to push the envelope on it. I mean, Pat is right that everything does come with some cost, but we will be looking to try to see if we can extend it as quickly as possible.

It raises another issue with me. If we’re spending money on things that are not productive and useful, let us know, because there are tens of thousands of people who are using systems and office supplies and all the rest of it. The more money we can save on stuff that is not cutting edge, the more resources we’ll have to shift to do things that will give us more tools. I mean, it sounds simplistic, but one of the most common suggestions on the sounding board was having better systems to utilize supplies, paper supplies – I mean, office supplies – and be more conscious of their purchasing and their using.

And it reminded me of what I occasionally sometimes do, which I call shopping in my closet, which means opening doors and seeing what I actually already have, which I really suggest to everybody, because it’s quite enlightening. (Laughter.) And so when you go to the store and you buy, let’s say, peanut butter and you don’t realize you’ve got two jars already at the back of the shelf – I mean, that sounds simplistic, but help us save money on stuff that we shouldn’t be wasting money on, and give us the chance to manage our resources to do more things like Firefox, okay?

Pat Kennedy 次官は、ソフトウェア自体(もちろんそれは無料です)というよりも、世界的な活動において新しいソフトウェアの導入、訓練、サポートのためのコストが問題になると述べました。質問をした従業員の Jim Finkle は国家地球空間情報局はすでにそれを行っていると指摘しました。

Firefox が大きな IT 導入にとってより魅力的となるには、未だその長い道のりの途上にあることは明らかです。Mozilla は過去に MSI パッケージ(参考)をたびたび要求され、そして、それがいくつかのリリース(私の記憶が正しいなら Firefox 2または3)で目標とされるも、誰もこの問題の面倒をみようとはしませんでした。

Michael Kaply は Firefox を企業環境に適応させ、企業グループ内で Firefox を運用するために努力してきた数少ない Mozilla の貢献者の一人です。 彼はまた、企業での導入を容易にする多くの重要なカスタマイズ機能を実現する拡張機能の作成を支援する CCK Wizard を作成し、そのメンテナンスを続けてきました。


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